Collecting wisdom from those who travel before you

Susan at her visit to Santiago
John Kerr on his Camino for SusanEternal Love
About two weeks ago Danni, Elda and I were all able to enjoy a wonderful visit with John Kerr. It turns out that John had a separate connection to each of us and had walked the Camino at almost the exact same dates as our trip only in 2012. John walked on behalf of the love/life he shared with his beloved wife Susan. Susan had sadly passed away from that terrible disease cancer the prior November, she had always wanted to walk the Camino. John took locks of Susan’s hair and shared her memory along their Way. Sadly, just 2 years after John was strong enough to walk the entire 500 miles in about a month, carrying a pack of belongings, when we met him he had already been given last rites by his priest and had all of his own funeral completely planned. Johns days were now limited by leukemia. I had never been in the presence of someone so full of joy for life and at the same time so at peace with his own death and the unwavering belief he would be reunited with his beloved Susan. It was a love story unfolding before our eyes and heart, and a connection that will live on in our hearts and certainly follow each of our own journeys. If there is any comfort provided after the death of one loved so dearly, it is the unwavering knowledge that the strength of love is way more powerful then any separation caused by death.
I really hope we can share our Camino stories with John after we get back ~ but no matter, I know our experience will be made all the richer from having made this prior connection with John.
Buen Camino John & Susan

About kvonalt

Doing my best to make the most out of the hand I've been dealt.
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